Music and Performing Arts

Music and Performing Arts is an integral part of the offering at Dubai Heights Academy. The music offering is exciting and inclusive of all children and abilities.
Children are taught through the award winning ‘Musicplay’ curriculum.

‘Musicplay’ is a sequential curriculum with lessons that follow the calendar year. The curriculum includes seasonal songs, fun songs, rounds, partner songs, folk music, multicultural music and choral music. In the Musicplay curriculum students sing, play instruments, move to music, listen, create and learn to read and write music. Every important musical concept is taught through play.

Each week a new singing game is featured. Children are taught note names, solfege, beat, rhythm, dynamics, tempo, form, and cultural context. Musicplay follows the Kodàly methodology of teaching and students are taught to read and write music through careful sequencing of activities.

Children have many opportunities to take part in musical activities throughout the year, after school activities, recitals and productions. Children also perform a number of times within the local community in Dubai.