Primary School (Key Stage 1 & 2)

Primary Curriculum Overview

Dubai Heights Academy delivers the National Curriculum for England, with a mastery and cross-curricular approach to teaching and learning. Our core subjects of English, Arabic, Maths and Science are further enriched with Art, Design Technology, Computer Science, Geography, History, PE, Swimming, French, Music, PSHE, Moral, Social and Cultural Studies, and Islamic Studies.Our aim is to instill a life-long love of learning through delivering a broad and balanced curriculum which challenges, inspires and motivates our students. We provide a wide range of learning platforms, schemes and programs to complement and enhance teaching, including ‘Maths – No Problem!’, ‘Read, Write, Inc.’, ‘Times Tables Rockstars’, ‘I Read Arabic’ and many more. In doing so, we offer a 21st century education to engage and enthuse our students in their learning journeys. The Primary curriculum at Dubai Heights Academy offers an innovative approach to teaching and learning which provides our students with the knowledge, skills and experiences to allow them to be responsible citizens of their school community and the world around them.

Primary – Key Stage 1

In Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) we provide rich, exciting and memorable learning opportunities which enable our students to develop a curiosity about the world around them, and foster a love of learning from a young age. Our students are encouraged to ask questions, develop their personal, social and emotional skills, make links between subjects and areas of learning and explore their own individual strengths and talents. An intensive phonic education following the Read Write Inc. program progresses on from their learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage, preparing our pupils for success in reading and writing.The cross-curricular approach allows children to relate to their learning in different ways and experience a broad, enriching education. By the end of Year 2, children at Dubai Heights Academy have a strong foundation and passion for learning across the curriculum, and are ready to take on the challenges that Key Stage 2 will bring.

Primary – Key Stage 2

In Key Stage 2 (Years 3 - 6) we adopt a subject specialist approach to teaching and learning. Children start and finish their day with their class teacher, who are their main pastoral figures and who also teach specific subjects throughout the week. In addition each class has their own designated teaching assistant who will accompany the students in lessons throughout the school day to ensure consistency in pastoral care and academic support.Our specialist teachers bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to their subjects, providing a high standard of education across the Key Stage 2 curriculum. This approach provides students with the responsibility and independence needed to allow them to take ownership of their learning. Attainment and progress are reviewed continuously through varied assessments and personalised feedback within lessons, to allow teachers to plan for each individual student’s targets and next steps. We believe children learn best when they feel encouraged, motivated and happy, and at Dubai Heights Academy we strive to create an inclusive learning environment where children can achieve their goals to succeed in the classroom and beyond.

Beyond the Classroom

Learning opportunities extend beyond the classroom at Dubai Heights Academy. We offer a wide range of both teacher-led and externally provided extra-curricular activities for our students, varying from art, sports, performance, well-being and inclusion, and academically focused sessions. Complementing our curriculum with ECAs, field trips and excursions throughout the school year ensures our students are given valuable and exciting opportunities which enrich their school life, and helps to develop our pupils as well-rounded individuals with a multitude of life skills and experiences.